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We bought our first Bull Terrier back in 1991. We wanted a coloured but came home with a white girl ‘Rosie Pot Pourri’, very Bull Type, a head to die for, moved like she was on rails, had an excellent top line but she was undershot, cracking little girl… she was very flashy, done very well in the show ring, even managed to get Best Of Breed under John Hinks, a great, great Grandson of James Hinks, founder of the breed many years ago …

We got her when she was twelve weeks old, we was so chuffed and the kids adored her, she terrorised our German Shepherd ‘Reba’. The next day after her arrival we took her to the vets to get her checked over and to have her vaccinations. The vet gave me a right hard time because she wasn’t vaccinated sooner….I kept telling him that I had only just got her …just wished I’d have known then what I know now..

Rosie reached about nine months old and a spot at the end of her nose appeared, it just never seemed to go away.. booster time came around and she started having furunculosis appear on the side of her hocks that oozed pus and watery fluid, trip to the vets, never seemed to heal, went back, different antibiotics, had a break out of spots all over her body, the downhill slide on conventional medicine for five years had started…basically for five years I boostered her, she was constantly on steroids /antibiotics, all in the name of being a responsible caring owner who I thought was doing the right thing going to the vets, the vet at the time telling me that this breed always suffer from skin problems ?

The vet never ever offered or suggested an alternative but just kept on prescribing and jabbing, even though Rosie’s immune system was compromised. Rosie got sicker and sicker, her skin got worse and worse and her feet turned into paddles, basically they were so swollen she couldn’t walk, she was so depressed and we were at our wits end.

One morning I got up, looked at Rosie in her bed and I said to Alex ‘we are just killing that dog’.

I had heard about a lady who had helped so many Bull Terriers up and down the country. I thought I’ve just got to phone her….she talked about Homoeopathy and how it can clear the system of toxins and poisons, the more she talked about skin lesions, elephant skin, pus, swollen feet, smelly ears, gungy eyes, severe hair loss, the dog smelling on the whole …I couldn’t believe that she was talking about our dog, she explained it to a tee.

I came off the phone and said to Alex ‘we’ve got to change her diet, no more antibiotics / steroids or boosters’… We had changed our life’s journey to another route and have never looked back.

It took Rosie eighteen months to detox, she oozed pus and gunge from eyes, ears and nose. The main dumping ground is the skin, so she absolutely stank, she even went cold turkey from all the drugs that were entrenched in every cell in her body, she lost weight, it was pitiful and family were saying ‘put her to sleep’ and I replied ‘if that was one of my kids would you be telling me to have one of the kids put to sleep?’… She wouldn’t go out, her feet were so swollen and sore with inter digital Cysts that were like great big blue marbles of pus and blood in between her toes.   

 I basically willed her to get better. When you do stuff like this you just don’t know when they are going to turn the corner… then one day she decided that this day was the day she was going to go out for a walk, she had tried so many times previously but her feet were too sore, but this day was different … she had turned the corner….. she recovered so well that she returned to the show ring, won the veteran class and qualified for Crufts again at the age of eleven …. Sadly Rosie never made her last visit to Crufts as she passed away ….

It was a very difficult journey, that experience with Rosie certainly taught me many life lessons, one especially is “You just don’t know how long they are here for, so you must treasure them while they are here”

Would I ever stick another vaccine in my dogs?  “Never” I use the Homoeopathic Nosodes feed raw, use Colloidal Silver and try to keep their immune systems at maximum level, plenty of fresh air, happy exercise to keep them smiling .. I kid you not when I say ‘mine are always smiling’.

To find out how I can help you,
Please call Linda now on 01223 873227

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